Helping top brands build top
in-house creative services.

Why that matters.

What can Barnes Creative Bank help you do?

  • Establish and improve your in-house creative services.

  • Help your team align on a vision of what your creative services should be.

  • Evaluate your creative services to find opportunities to grow, work more efficiently, and more creatively.

  • Elevate your in-house creative to compete with the quality of your agency partners.

  • Help your in-house teams work more seamlessly and collaboratively with your agency partners.

  • Guide you in hiring key creative staff.

  • Help you partner with production, strategy, and media resources that fit your organization.

  • Help you demonstrate ROI to your executive team.

Who are we?

Barnes Creative Bank is a small and nimble team of agency veterans with experience building and running creative departments at top agencies in America and Europe.

How can we help?

  • 1 Day Consultation

    Ideal for companies that don’t have creative services, and are wondering how to get started. Includes presentation, discussion, and follow-up discussions.

  • 2 Week Evaluation

    On-site analysis of your current creative operations. Includes 1-on-1 interviews and team discussions. Concludes with a summary findings and recommendations.

  • 3 Month Upfit

    A good fit if you already have a creative department but still need to find efficiencies, key talent, and more productive ways to work with existing agency partners.

  • 6 Month Onramp

    Similar to the 3 Month Upfit, but for brands who need more time to hire, organize, and train key talent.

  • 12 Month Tent Stake

    Sustained involvement with multiple Barnes Creative Bank department experts for hiring, organizing, and training critical talent across all creative disciplines. Includes our proprietary department architecture guidelines.

  • Custom Plans

    We’ll tailor any of these offerings and timelines to your company’s needs to help you build, manage, and maintain the in-house creative services your brand deserves.

Let’s bring it in.